The Real Christmas Story Is Better Than the Lie We Tell Our Children

When I was a child, I loved Christmas. And one of the biggest reasons was that Santa Claus was coming to town! ... Or, so I believed. My parents, like so many others, lied to me about the existence of Santa. And when I discovered the truth, the magic of Christmas was lost. That feeling that [...]

Yes, Atheists, God Is a Narcissist. What About It?

Yes, you read the title correctly. God is a narcissist. I fully affirm that God is completely and utterly self-absorbed with Himself, and we can accurately describe this as narcissism. According to Greek mythology, Narcissus was so enamored with himself that he stared into a pool of water until he died. Because of this story, we [...]

A Common Sense Argument for a Theocratic Aristocracy

When people hear that I am in favor of a theocratic aristocracy, most people look at me like I'm a crazy person. But, the argument is really simple. Most people are inclined to more foolishness and sinfulness than wisdom and righteousness in this world.  ... Yep, that's about it. ... I'm not sure many would [...]

Three Arguments Against Dating and For Arranged Marriage

In a previous post I pointed out that the current climate of the church (or, really, the climate of any isolated grouping of people) has created a struggle in which no one ever really dates anyone. Women have to choose between two options: (1) despise men for pursuing multiple women and have the awkward not-knowing-if-this-is-a-date [...]

The Homosexuality Epidemic: A Rebuke to Both Conservative and Liberal Christians

Normally there are two sides in the debate over homosexuality within the Christian church. Usually the conservatives believe the following points: Homosexuality is an abomination. Homosexuality is chosen. Homosexuals can change after repentance. No Christian can be a homosexual. As opposed to that, you have what liberals claim: Homosexuality is not an abomination. Homosexuality is [...]

Trump Jr. and the Russians: Why Their Meddling Doesn’t Matter

Academics do not care where truth originates. If an English neuroscientist presents evidence and makes convincing arguments, he will be referenced by other writers. If a German philosopher publishes an incredibly detailed and persuasive argument for God, other philosophers will take notice. At certain times, conclusions will come under critique, and at other times, conclusions [...]

A Review of Game of Thrones – From a Christian Who Has Actually Seen It

** Potential Spoilers from Game of Thrones Season 6 Ahead** Today is July 15, 2017, and in one day Season 7 of Game of Thrones will premiere. And you know what that means... All the religious zealots will come out of the woodwork and condemn Game of Thrones as worldly trash that should never be [...]

Breaking the Constitution

Who cares about the Constitution? Of course, this is a hyperbolic rhetorical question. Let's be serious, now. Why does the Constitution even matter? American conservatives have a tendency to act as if the United States Constitution is the Word of God, divinely given to our forefathers who created this blessed nation we call America. It [...]

The Current Christian Climate and the Dating Game

As a Christian single, I (a man) am fully aware of the struggles Christians have in the dating game. It is hard. It is not easy. And I think everyone would agree that it is not all that fun. One of the reasons for the dating game being so difficult is because of the climate [...]